2012 has been a year of refinement and development for both of us – both in our individual playing and what we do as a group. The sound of ORE is constantly evolving; there’s more improvisation than ever before, and much stronger melodic material. We’re also placing a significant emphasis on our material working acoustically, without any support from amplification or effects. We have also both stopped shaving our heads and have newly-impressive flowing locks. Or something like that.
To that end – here are a couple of videos of our rehearsal on Sunday the first of July.
A tune that we first played live in Bristol earlier this year is “Rebirth”. This has become a more flexible structure as it’s gone along, and is working quite nicely now.
Those of you who have seen us play live will have heard us do Earth’s “Ouroboros is Broken”; we’ve now added “Charioteer” from the Pentastar album. Stuart plays his Wessex “Bubbie” travel tuba on this tune, giving the lead line a lighter tone than usual.